The FTZ Corp of Southern Pennsylvania (FTZSPA), grantee of Foreign Trade Zone 147, received approval by the U.S. Foreign Trade Zones Board for the expansion of the zone under the Alternative Site Framework (ASF). The expanded FTZ 147 ASF service area now includes all of Adams, Fulton, Juniata, Lebanon and Perry Counties in Pennsylvania. Companies within these counties that have a need for FTZ status will no longer have to wait for the traditional process of request, review and approval of a subzone, and will now enjoy an almost immediate extension of the FTZ benefits for a qualified user.
“We are very excited that the FTZ Board has approved our application to expand the service area,” said Jon Scott, President for FTZSPA.
The Foreign Trade Zone area also includes all of Berks, Cumberland, Dauphin, Franklin, Lancaster and York Counties.
“FTZ 147 adopted the Alternative Site Framework (ASF) several years ago in the counties where Foreign Trade Zone was utilized,” said Randy Campbell of Campbell Trade Group Inc., Administrator of FTZ 147. “The approval to expand the FTZ 147 ASF Service Area brings the efficiencies and expediency of the ASF method to all counties served by FTZ 147.”
The Foreign Trade Zone Program is a trade program that offers certain specific benefits to the users including deferral or elimination of duties. FTZSPA can help each potential user analyze the relevant facts and circumstances to determine and quantify the potential benefits of operating or using an FTZ.
Foreign Trade Zones are secured areas located in or near U.S. Customs ports of entry, but legally considered to be outside the customs territory.
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